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Our Structure

To address the multifaceted question of how climate change alters extreme events, we maintain the structure of project phase 1, which has proven effective in facilitating scientific exchange between projects while simultaneously allowing specialisation of the individual groups. We are structured into four modules, each containing specialised subprojects. Whereas Module A addresses the underlying physics and processes linked to occurring extreme events, particularly extreme precipitation, heat waves/droughts, and windstorms, Module B assesses long-term changes and the statistical characteristics of these events. Further, Module B aims to reduce the uncertainty of the attribution and prediction of such events. In contrast, Module C considers impacts as a starting point, therefore focusing on the combination of meteorological factors and non-meteorological factors, such as exposure and vulnerability leading to impacts. Module C also includes the newly introduced interdisciplinary science communication projects. Lastly, Module D facilitates the software and data management of the entire consortium, laying the foundation of its scientific work. Additionally, Module D coordinates constant efforts of standardising methods and data used by the network, increasing the transparency of the research and facilitating optimal knowledge transfer between the groups.

ClimXtreme II
ClimXtreme II