Publikationen der Phase I
Abbas El Hachem, Seidel S., Imbery F., Junghänel T., Bardossy A.: Technical Note (2022): Space–time statistical quality control of extreme precipitation observations. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 6137–6146, 2022.
Beobide‐Arsuaga, G., Düsterhus, A., Müller, W. A., Barnes, E. A., Baehr, J. (2023): Spring regional sea surface temperatures as a precursor of European summer heatwaves. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(2), e2022GL100727,
Bücher, A., Zanger, L. (2023): On the disjoint and sliding block maxima method for piecewise stationary time series. The Annals of Statistics, 51(2), 573-598,
Buschow, S. (2023): Tropical convection in ERA5 has partly shifted from parameterized to resolved. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society,
Buschow, S., Keller, J., Wahl, S. (2023): Explaining heatwaves with machine learning. arXiv physics ao-ph 2305.15170,
Caldas-Alvarez, A., Augenstein, M., Ayzel, G., Barfus, K., Cherian, R., Dillenardt, L., Fauer, F., Feldmann, H., Heistermann, M., Karwat, A., Kaspar, F., Kreibich, H., Lucio-Eceiza, E. E., Meredith, E. P., Mohr, S., Niermann, D., Pfahl, S., Ruff, F., Rust, H. W., Schoppa, L., Schwitalla, T., Steidl, S., Thieken, A. H., Tradowsky, J. S., Wulfmeyer, V., Quaas, J. (2022): Meteorological, impact and climate perspectives of the 29 June 2017 heavy precipitation event in the Berlin metropolitan area. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22(11), 3701-3724,
Caldas-Alvarez, A., Feldmann, H., Lucio-Eceiza, E., Pinto, J. G. (2023): Convection-parameterized and convection-permitting modelling of heavy precipitation in decadal simulations of the greater Alpine region with COSMO-CLM. Weather and Climate Dynamics, 4(2), 543-565,
Di Capua, G., Sparrow, S., Kornhuber, K., Rousi, E., Osprey, S., Wallom, D., van den Hurk, B., Coumou, D. (2021): Drivers behind the summer 2010 wave train leading to Russian heatwave and Pakistan flooding. npj Clim Atmos Sci 4, 55.
Ehmele F., L.-A. Kautz, H. Feldmann and J.G. Pinto (2020): Long-term variance of heavy precipitation across central Europe using a large ensemble of regional climate model simulations. Earth Syst. Dynam., 11, 469–490,
Ehmele, F., Kautz, L. A., Feldmann, H., He, Y., Kadlec, M., Kelemen, F. D., Lentink, H. S. Ludwig, P., Manful, D., Pinto, J. G. (2022): Adaptation and application of the large LAERTES-EU regional climate model ensemble for modeling hydrological extremes: a pilot study for the Rhine basin. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22(2), 677-692
Fauer, F. S., Ulrich, J., Jurado, O. E., & Rust, H. W. (2021): Flexible and consistent quantile estimation for intensity–duration–frequency curves. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25(12), 6479-6494,
Fauer, F.S., Rust, H.W. (2023): Non-stationary large-scale statistics of precipitation extremes in central Europe. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess 37, 4417–4429,
Gliksman, D., Averbeck, P., Becker, N., Gardiner, B., Goldberg, V., Grieger, J., Handorf, D. Haustein, K., Karwat, A., Knutzen, F., Lentink, H. S., Lorenz, R., Niermann, D., Pinto, J. G., Queck, R., Ziemann, A., Franzke, C. L. E. (2023): A European perspective on wind and storm damage–from the meteorological background to index-based approaches to assess impacts. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 23(6), 2171-2201,
Hu, G., Franzke, C. L. E. (2020). Evaluation of daily precipitation extremes in reanalysis and gridded observation‐based data sets over Germany. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL089624.
Karwat, A., Franzke, C.L.E. (2021): Future Projections of Heat Mortality Risk for Major European Cities. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 13 (4), 913–931.
Karwat, A., Franzke, C. L. E., & Blender, R. (2022). Long-term trends of Northern Hemispheric winter cyclones in the extended ERA5 reanalysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2022JD036952.
Karwat, A., Franzke, C. L. E., Pinto, J. G., Lee, S.-S. and Blender, R. (2024): Northern Hemisphere Extratropical Cyclone Clustering in ERA5 Reanalysis and the CESM2 Large Ensemble, vol 37, no. 4., J. Clim.,
Kaspar, F., Niermann, D., Borsche, M., Fiedler, S., Keller, J., Potthast, R., Rösch, T., Spangehl, T., and Tinz, B.: Regional atmospheric reanalysis activities at Deutscher Wetterdienst: review of evaluation results and application examples with a focus on renewable energy, Adv. Sci. Res., 17, 115–128,, 2020
Kadow, C., Illing, S., Lucio-Eceiza, E.E., Bergemann, M., Ramadoss, M., Sommer, P.S., Kunst, O., Schartner, T., Pankatz, K., Grieger, J., Schuster, M., Richling, A., Thiemann, H., Kirchner, I., Rust, H.W., Ludwig, T., Cubasch, U., Ulbrich, U. (2021): Introduction to Freva – A Free Evaluation System Framework for Earth System Modeling. Journal of Open Research Software, 9(1), p.13,
Lilienthal, J., Zanger, L., Bücher, A., & Fried, R. (2022). A note on statistical tests for homogeneities in multivariate extreme value models for block maxima. Environmetrics, 33(7), e2746,
Ludwig, P., Ehmele, F., Franca, M. J., Mohr, S., Caldas-Alvarez, A., Daniell, J. E., Ehret, U., Feldmann, H., Hundhausen, M., Knippertz, P., Küpfer, K., Kunz, M., Mühr, B., Pinto, J. G., Quintig, J., Schäfer, A. M., Seidel, F., Wisotzky, C. (2023): A multi-disciplinary analysis of the exceptional flood event of July 2021 in central Europe–Part 2: Historical context and relation to climate change. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 23(4), 1287-1311,
Mayer, B., Mathis, M., Mikolajewicz, U., Pohlmann, T. (2022): RCP8.5-projected changes in German Bight storm surge characteristics from regionalized ensemble simulations for the end of the twenty-first century. Frontiers in Climate 4,
Mayer, Bernhard, Mathis, Moritz, Pohlmann, Thomas, 2022: Effects of climate change on extreme sea levels in the North Sea (ECCES): regionalized MPIOM-REMO climate ensemble. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.
Meredith, E. P., Ulbrich, U., and Rust, H. W. (2023). Cell tracking of convective rainfall: sensitivity of climate-change signal to tracking algorithm and cell definition (Cell-TAO v1.0), Geosci. Model Dev., 16, 851–867,
Meredith E.P. et al. (2021): Present and future diurnal hourly precipitation in 0.11deg EURO-CORDEX models and at convection-permitting resolution, Environmental Research Communications,
Meschede, C., Hees, K., Fried, R. (2023): Temporal clustering of extreme events in sequences of dependent observations separated by heavy-tailed waiting times, axXiv, stat.ME, 2308.14625,
Mohr, S., Wilhelm, J., Wandel, J., Kunz, M., Portmann, R., Punge, H. J., Schmidberger, M., Quinting, J. F., and Grams, C. M.: The role of large-scale dynamics in an exceptional sequence of severe thunderstorms in Europe May–June 2018, Weather Clim. Dynam., 1, 325–348,, 2020
Müller, W. A., Borchert, L., Ghosh, R. (2020). Observed subdecadal variations of European summer temperatures. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(1), e2019GL086043,
Nguyen, V. D., Merz, B., Hundecha, Y., Haberlandt, U., Vorogushyn, S. (2021): Comprehensive evaluation of an improved large‐scale multi‐site weather generator for Germany. International Journal of Climatology, 41(10), 4933-4956,
Petrovic, D., Fersch, B., & Kunstmann, H. (2022): Droughts in Germany: performance of regional climate models in reproducing observed characteristics. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22(12), 3875-3895,
Ruff, F., & Pfahl, S. (2022): What distinguishes 100-year precipitation extremes over central European river catchments from more moderate extreme events?. Weather and Climate Dynamics Discussions, 2022, 1-29,
Sairam, N., Brill, F., Sieg, T., Farrag, M., Kellermann, P., Nguyen, V. D., Lüdtke, S., Merz, B., Schröter, K. Vorogushyn, S., Kreibich, H. (2021): Process‐based flood risk assessment for Germany. Earth's Future, 9(10), e2021EF002259,
Schädler, G. and Breil, M.: Identification of droughts and heatwaves in Germany with regional climate networks, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 28, 231–245,, 2021
Schäfer A., Mühr B., Daniell J., Ehret U., Ehmele F., Küpfer K., Brand J., Wisotzky C., Skapski J., Renz L., Mohr S., Kunz M (2021): Hochwasser Mitteleuropa, Juli 2021 (Deutschland). Bericht Nr. 1 ”Nordrhein-Westfalen und Rheinland-Pfalz”. CEDIM Forensic Disaster Analysis (FDA) Group. KIT. DOI: 10.5445/IR/100013573 0.
Schwitalla T., K. Warrach-Sagi, V. Wulfmeyer and M. Resch (2020): Near-global-scale high-resolution seasonal simulations with WRF-Noah-MP v.3.8.1. Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 1959–1974, doi:
Suarez-Gutierrez, L., Milinski S., Maher N.(2021): Exploiting large ensembles for a better yet simpler climate model evaluation. Clim Dyn.
Suarez-Gutierrez, L., Müller, W.A., Marotzke, J. (2023): Extreme heat and drought typical of an end-of-century climate could occur over Europe soon and repeatedly. Commun Earth Environ 4, 415,
Szemkus, S., & Friederichs, P. (2024). Spatial patterns and indices for heat waves and droughts over Europe using a decomposition of extremal dependency. Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography, 10(1), 29-49,
Ullrich, S. L., Hegnauer, M., Nguyen, D. V., Merz, B., Kwadijk, J., & Vorogushyn, S. (2021): Comparative evaluation of two types of stochastic weather generators for synthetic precipitation in the Rhine basin. Journal of Hydrology, 601, 126544,
Vorobevskii, I., Luong, T. T., and Kronenberg, R.(2023): Seasonal forecasting of local-scale soil moisture droughts with Global BROOK90, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. [preprint],
Wallberg, L., Suarez-Gutierrez, L., Matei, D., & Müller, W. A. (2024): Extremely warm European summers preceded by sub-decadal North Atlantic ocean heat accumulation. Earth System Dynamics, 15(1), 1-14,
Xoplaki, E., Ellsäßer, F., Grieger, J., Nissen, K. M., Pinto, J., Augenstein, M., Chen, T.-C., Feldmann, H., Friederichs, P., Gliksman, D., Goulier, L., Haustein, K., Heinke, J., Jach, L., Knutzen, F., Kollet, S., Luterbacher, J., Luther, N., Mohr, S., Mudersbach, C., Müller, C., Rousi, E., Simon, F., Suarez-Gutierrez, L., Szemkus, S., Vallejo-Bernal, S. M., Vlachopoulos, O., Wolf, F. (2023): Compound events in Germany in 2018: drivers and case studies, EGUsphere [preprint],
Zanger, L., Bücher, A., Kreienkamp, F., Lorenz, P., Tradowsky, J. (2023): Regional Pooling in Extreme Event Attribution Studies: an Approach Based on Multiple Statistical Testing, arXiv stat.ME 2301.06295,